


英语作文 题目,人类起源。


The origin of mankind, there are two theories, a view that human beings are created by God, and the other is the theory of evolution elaborated in Australopithecus evolved.

Why do so many people prefer to believe in God also believe in science do not go? Think a lot of nonsense are the people of God would certainly think that these people are foolish. Truth in the know did not go over the Bible on the next person to the conclusion that is more foolish, because they have not even done in-depth investigation. The Bible's influence is enormous, as a global sales top the list of a book, it naturally can not have other than the book. Origin of Species to the Bible's explanation of time all things are created by God, the things between heaven and earth are so perfect, it is actually an omnipotent God created because they are perfect, it is difficult to make people believe that it are automatically generated and described in the Bible, as long as you are really sincere heart and sincere prayers, God will listen to you, a lot of miracles (not what millions of people can see the miracles, only refers to a very magical thing, a very small probability of case) will appear in your body, but those who really want to verify whether there is such a thing are the people will never get an answer, because with this kind of psychology, they Forever is not sincerely. This has become a theology of the defects could not be verified, it can be said that a mysterious U.S. hazy.

About Darwin's theory of evolution, in our country, which has become a primary and secondary school students must study a knowledge point. Why do the Chinese on a large population of knowledge point will still be someone suspicion? Those who doubt what the people are fools? Only a fool would doubt go by the theory of the world recognized it. But things are not necessarily the case, really understand Darwin's theory will confirm the view that microeconomic theory of evolution can I trust it is true, but the macro I would also like to consider the theory of evolution.

Consider the things people are generally there will be biased, is really fair to judge the attitude of people is more difficult, the same science as the foundation of the country are bound to have certain religious boycott. Are the time to explain the origin of all things created by God, the things between heaven and earth are so perfect, it is actually an omnipotent God created because they are perfect, it is difficult to make people believe that it is naturally generated and described in the Bible, as long as you are really sincere heart and sincere prayers, God will listen to you, a lot of miracles (not what millions of people can see the miracles, only a very magical thing , a very small probability of case) will appear in your body, but those who really want to verify whether there is such a thing are the people will never get an answer, because with this kind of psychology, they never are sincerely . This has become a theology of the defects could not be verified, it can be said that a mysterious U.S. hazy.












God spent five days to creat the heavens ,the earth and everything.On the sixth day,God said:[Let us make humankind in our image....]Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into

his nostrils the breath of the life,and the man became a living being,named Adam.

Soon the Lord God took one of Adam's ribs to make into a woman.Adam said:[This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,this one shall be called Woman.]


The Origin Of Humankind (Science Masters Series) (Paperback)



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  •  访客
     发布于 2022-07-08 05:36:50  回复该评论
  • ious U.S. hazy. About Darwin's theory of evolution, in our country, which has become a primary and secondary
  •  访客
     发布于 2022-07-08 01:52:31  回复该评论
  • 课程:1、英语作文 题目,人类起源。2、我想要关于人类起源的传说,用英语说,越短越好3、人类的起源介绍英文英语作文 题目,人类起源。都是我自己写的,没有功劳也有苦劳啊老兄;以下内容比较多自己删,要修改的地方自己最好在处理下 The origin of man
  •  访客
     发布于 2022-07-08 02:48:32  回复该评论
  • heory of evolution. Consider the things people are generally there will be biased, is really



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